
Successful strategies – key elements

Developing a successful business strategy requires more than just a one-time planning event. It should be an ongoing process that is integrated into the daily operations of the business. Here are the top twelve mistakes to avoid when developing a business strategy: Not understanding what strategy is: Strategy is not just a plan, but also

2023-04-06T17:58:06-05:00By |

How to Allocate Resources Effectively and Why You Should

Allocating resources effectively is essential for business success, but many companies struggle to do so. Companies operating in multiple markets may be faced with the challenge of determining which markets or businesses to invest in or exit. Not all businesses are created equal. Determining where to make your best investments of time, people, and money

2023-04-06T14:44:41-05:00By |

Planning for a Recession – Are you prepared?

A global recession is something engineering and construction firms have not seen for quite some time – the “Great Recession" of 2007-09 was well over a decade ago. While current management teams did deal with the pandemic and its related recession-like issues, and in general did so quite well (overall global engineering and construction revenues

2023-04-21T08:34:43-05:00By |

How to Develop a Profitable Strategy Over the Long-Term

Strategy should be Business as Usual. Not something to be forced on an organization to fit the status quo. Having a strategic plan in a place will help your business or company differentiate and stand out in a crowded space. This in turn will allow for sustainable profitability over the long-term. One of the main

2023-04-06T14:51:41-05:00By |
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